Brave New Sound? We Asked Music Pros to Review AI-Generated ‘Songs’

March 14, 2023
6 Mins Read
Brave New Sound? We Asked Music Pros to Review AI-Generated ‘Songs’

First AI came for images, then words, and now… music? Will AI-generated music work? This is the question we ask music professionals in the industry to review some of the AI-generated tracks we’ve created. And they didn’t hesitate…

In 1888, essayist and art critic Walter Peter wrote, “All art always seeks the conditions of music,” and other forms of art strive to blend subject matter and form. Whereas the music expressed the idea of ​​the two continuously duetting.

Music has a way of stopping us and taking us back to the past or the distant future. It scares us, makes the hairs on our skin stand on end, and warms us deeply with sounds brighter than the midday sun. “Music has the power to affect us in ways that only drugs, sex, alcohol and religion can counteract. I have to.”

“Character? All music is character. Talent and dexterity – two things a computer can do – are also important, but not always essential. Johnny Marr was never considered the best guitarist in the world, but he definitely One of the most influential figures, the way he uses his instruments and the original riffs and sounds he’s produced over the years have resonated with millions. “His playing is original and, above all, distinctive. Music is about people. It’s about talent, muscle memory, strength, passion and love.”

“And then there’s the interaction. Bands. Lennon and McCartney. The alchemy of a group of musicians playing together. How can a computer compete with that? How can you recreate it with an orchestra and a 100-strong choir?It’s overwhelming physical appeal.It’s overwhelming, but in the best possible way.This is what we do best.This is what we do.This is what we do. It’s all about being human Computers are good at research Mathematics Why bother composing and producing music? Here it is: Putting music like these tracks on your precious images is like eating your favorite food and washing it down with a toilet duck.

I used the software to create the “song”. sound low, gave some prompts (short descriptions) from the available keywords and generated four tracks for different scenarios. Below, in addition to Simon, his EP and Music Supervisor at MAS, Gabe McDonough, and Sound Industries’ Global Creative Director and Composer, Robert Miller, review his AI sound his style. .

LBB Prompt: Ads and Trailers, Sexy, Rock


Gabe> This is not good music by any means. But the same criticism has been directed at everyone over the years, from the Rolling Stones to Lil Nas X.

But the fact that AI can still create sounds as good as this one today is impressive on some level. It’s even more intriguing to hear what he’ll be creating five years from now. In the short term, I think the first popular culture moments with AI music will come in the form of samples twisted into something else and augmented by human composition. It’s not a very different concept than actually getting something out of Splice. It is most likely a sample of sound that is somehow “bad”, “weird” or “cursed”, leaning towards the AI ​​nature of sound rather than passing it as human. British electronic announces his April release of his underground with artist Patten. Mirage FM album. The album was created using textual descriptions that AI converted to audio, which he then resampled and manipulated to create the record.

Robert> When I review AI songs, I like to simply react to what I hear rather than be sarcasm, but it’s hard not to have a rather dark perspective on this “music”. I think so. The prompt for this first piece is “sexy, rock, etc.” Okay, these are programmed samples of the Rock He genre, but completely devoid of any form of throaty human nature. Consisting of two chords and a stiff “guitar” riff, that’s the least of the problems. 2 Chords Rolling Stones Think about how lively a song he is (he’s just one in a million examples). So-called music has as much life and sex as cheap video game tracks. The music that humans create and perform includes chord strumming, drum strokes, keyboard taps, and all the subtle variations that a real human would include in his rock-his performance.

Simon> They really need to nail down the definition of each word they allow you to brief. This rock track is anything but sexy. It relies on five separate his four-bar loops, all of which fit together. By adding a new loop every four bars, the interest is mostly maintained. There are no interesting lead lines and the production is basic. It’s horrible. Please let me stop.

LBB prompts: Game, Epic, Heavy/Heavy, Suspense, Techno/Trance


Robert> I had to go back and click that link twice to make sure it was correct. Gaming/techno/trance are the only words that even remotely connect to this selection (I can’t call it pieces – sorry).It reminds me of the trendy, soulless stuff you sometimes hear from a sound system too cool for a school salon.n is in D minor B major, No self-respecting composer would consider this to be the crystallization of that prompt adjective.

The programming aligns somewhat with techno/trance programming, but programmers good at that genre find incredibly interesting rhythmic variations and subdivisions that keep the listener engaged.

Simon > Structure similar to above. It has some interesting and engaging synth lines, and the production is good, but neither epic nor heavy. It may sound heavy, but it’s not in a good way.

LBB Prompt: Romantic, Glamorous, Hip Hop, Travel


Robert> I assure you that I am trying to be fair. So far, it’s been a no-brainer for me. It reminds us of the fact that our culture already suffers from a low supply of inspired music while it has a high supply of sounds. Because with technology, just about anyone can make some kind of organized track. In the modern world, there are many composers who are not musicians in this category. Would a computer be needed to make a non-musical piece? The small motifs on which the track is built are certainly not romantic. There is no forward motion of any kind. It is incredibly static, with no discernible emotion driving it. The track doesn’t suggest anything glamorous, but it does have a sort of generic hip-hop programmed rhythm, with an emphasis on the general.

Gabe> A lot of modern hip-hop work is computer-generated, so this work is a bit better than rock work. It feels real. That said, we’re only halfway through. Instruments don’t sound good.Not terrible by any means, but nothing lacking i don’t know what It will pop out of the pack. Zero personality and a little bit of the uncanny valley so common in AI imagery. At first glance, it looks like the real thing, but you can immediately sense that something is a little off.

Simon > Better than Sexy Rock.

LBB prompts: funny/weird, happy, pop, comedy


Robert > It’s getting scarier – this ‘funny happy’ concoction is a nightmare. Maybe in your strange fever dreams, if a terrifying alien has invaded your home and is playing something that humans find fun, don’t you ever hear this kind of “thing”? The late great film composer Jerry Goldsmith once said when I was just starting out on my path to becoming a film/commercial composer, there really is no way to get better at making interesting music on purpose. said.

Really funny music (which is often weird) is made by serious people and happens to have a weird sensibility, so it’s funny to the people we listen to. Put on your Slim Whitman and listen to him yodelling or Shooby Taylor, the weird and late great who called himself the Human Horn. Fake island music he can’t even enjoy the textures. Only humans who play this type of music can breathe life into it. Many times in this AI collection we come across static and distant representations of what the real composer is far superior to. The human consciousness, and whatever soul you think of it, is the driving force, the inner co-creator that works in harmony with the composer’s innate skill and imagination to create music, real music. Sorry AI, you don’t impress me.

Simon > Not even sexy rock. It’s neither strange nor amusing.

Finally, Simon shares his breakup thoughts.The idea behind the site is a good one. If they could generate more interesting loops and samples (basic building blocks) and add the option to build each track from musical segments or a larger pool of options, I think it would be a very interesting tool. What does that have to do with AI? I don’t know. Humans created those basic loops and programmed the structure. If an app could create and generate tracks with all the subtleties of grooves and harmonies Prince’s style is famous for, it could be a very interesting tool. i will buy it Conversely, I wouldn’t spend 5 minutes on this site. sorry. “

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