CPTime’s ‘Shark Week’: Surfing New Waves in Hip Hop, Pop, and Rap

July 25, 2023
3 Mins Read

Immersed in the ever-pulsating heart of Douglassville, Pennsylvania’s music scene, an artist steadily carves out a niche for himself, magnetizing audiences with his distinct style. CPTime, a rapper with a decade-long career in the music business, has emerged as a unique presence, adroitly bridging the realms of hip hop, pop, and rap with a certain flair that’s all his own.

Born in 1991, CPTime has rooted his music in the ethos of positivity and inspiration. Through the musical tapestry he weaves, he aims to spark motivation and delight in his listeners across all age groups. His commitment to clean lyrics over the last 100 song releases makes his discography a refreshing exception in an industry often saturated with explicit content. The universal appeal of his music is evident not just in its lyrics, but also in its themes; from sports to holidays, his range is as diverse as it is captivating.

At the heart of his inspiration are his parents and family, their guidance forming the bedrock of his unwavering pursuit of his passion. Despite the music industry’s saturation and the commonplace tendency for artists to conform to trends, CPTime insists on carving his path, molding his unique style into a sonic identity that distinguishes him from the crowd.

The rapper’s talents have not only been confined to the studio. He has also graced the stage, including performing at the halftime of Philadelphia 76ers games. His performances extend beyond these large-scale events to local shows that allow him to connect intimately with his community.

One of his beloved pieces is “Home,” a song that stands out in his pop repertoire, marking a memorable creative process. His musical influences include heavyweights like Logic, Eminem, and Futuristic, whose styles have undoubtedly left a mark on his musical journey.

CPTime’s recording process mirrors his independent spirit. Operating from a home studio, he revels in the freedom to explore instrumentals, record, and collaborate with producers for mastering, maintaining full creative control over his music. Eminem, one of his major influences, remains his dream collaboration, hinting at his taste for lyrical dexterity and potent storytelling.

His latest release, “Shark Week,” is a fun, clean freestyle hip hop track that weaves together the themes of watching Shark Week, the mystique of sharks, and the joy of ocean exploration. The track was inspired by a friend’s annual “Shark Week” gathering near Philadelphia, a community event that includes fundraising for sea life conservation. The song, initially intended to be a short 30-second rap, grew into a full track that now serves as this year’s official theme for the “Landsharks for Shark Week” program.

Beyond the stage and the studio, CPTime is a firm believer in family, faith, and life-shaping experiences. These values permeate his music, grounding his catchy beats and clever lyrics in genuine emotion and personal truth.

CPTime’s music is available on major streaming platforms including YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, and his official website. These platforms offer an avenue for listeners to immerse themselves in his unique blend of hip hop, pop, and rap.

From the festive suburbs of Douglassville to the half-time stage of 76ers games, CPTime’s journey is a testament to his adaptability, creativity, and unwavering dedication to his craft. It’s an exhilarating ride, and as he continues to gain exposure and evolve as an artist, there’s no doubt we’ll be hearing more from this remarkable talent.


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