M.My name is Demi Ramos and I’m an artist from New York City. My parents were first generation Puerto Ricans. I studied classical music as a child, but as soon as I encountered hardcore/rock music, I was inspired to start my own band. Musical influences for me are his underground band I heard in New York and the industrial sounds that come out of the city 24/7.
Tell us about your new single ‘Just a Phase’ and the inspiration behind it.
A song I made by accident! Written in an hour during an impromptu session in LA. I remember listening to a lot of Blink 182, Weezer, Bloc Party and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs during that trip.
What was the songwriting and recording process like?
I tracked down this demo one day when my buddy was hanging out in the studio and it all came together in about an hour or so with Garzi and Saakai.
What do you want your fans and listeners to take home when they hear your music?
It feels unstoppable.
When did you first pick up a guitar? And what attracted you to that instrument?
My mother put me in guitar lessons when I was nine years old. I like the guitar more than any other musical instrument.
Who are your musical influences?
Interpol, Turnstile, Grimes, Show Me The Body, Radiohead.
what’s next?
We have a lot of projects in 2023. more new music <3