Current IPO GMP Rate
Check out our latest IPO analysis and estimated gray market rates for upcoming IPOs.
Eligible for IPO Kostak & Saudrate
Let’s see how is calculated. estimated list price After adding premium. If the gray market IPO rate is ₹100 and the IPO price is around ₹200, the estimated listing price will be around ₹300. Based on the calculation Listing profit 50% of the IPO price.
The IPO listing may differ from the estimated listing price proposed by the IPO. gray market Due to a bull/bear market or demand for the company’s stock. Some of his IPOs had a low gray market, but listings were profiting higher, but few IPOs in 2021, the gray market was on the high side, but listings were at a low level. bottom. Although the gray market has always been one of the strong factors in the IPO listing profit calculation, we strongly advise investors to use the gray market rates as information only. Don’t trade based on numbers.
IPO GMP Considerations:
- Gray market trading is informal and it involves IPO investors and stockbrokers. It depends on the relationship of trust between the two.
- Read our IPO analysis before filing for an IPO.
- of gray market rate Calculated, provided or provided from market research or experts.
- Trading on the gray market is illegal and not recommended.
- Kostak price The premium you get for selling your IPO application (in an off-market transaction) to someone else, even before the shares are allotted or listed.
- Do not apply for an IPO at the above premium. Subject to change at any time prior to listing.
- Subscribe considering company fundamentals only.
Historical IPO Gray Market Premiums for IPO 2022-2023:
IPO Gray Market Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Gray Market Premium?
“gray market premium“alias”IPO GMP” is a term used in the IPO market to identify the estimated price at which an IPO may go public. The gray market is informal, but investors look at the IPO gray market price to get a fixed profit on the stock. The gray market operates before the IPO listing and during the period from his IPO start date to the allotment date.of gray market premium How the IPO will react with an estimated price on the listing date. Let’s see how the calculations are done. If a company comes up with his IPO for ₹100 and the gray market premium is around ₹20, we can assume that the IPO could list around ₹120 on the listing date. However, it is also true that it is unreliable. IPO GMP works most of the time, but sometimes it doesn’t. We found that if there is demand for IPOs and estimated HNI and QIB subscriptions are on the high side, the IPO listing is near the price specified by the estimated IPO GMP.
What is a Costa Crate?
The Kostak rate is the amount one investor pays to the seller of an IPO application before the IPO listing. As the gray market reacts, so does the Kosta crate: you can buy and sell a complete IPO application at his Kostak rate outside the market and lock in your profits. The Kostak rate applies whether an investor gets her IPO allocation. the buyer is Kostak rate for IPOIf you create 5 applications for one IPO and sell the same for 1,000 rupees for each application, you have secured your IPO profit at 5,000 rupees. Even if he gets a quota in his two applications, his profit will be ₹5000. If you sell your shares and get a profit of about ₹10000, you should give the investor who bought your application his remaining ₹5000 profit. This is a safe way to sell your application on the IPO gray market.
What is the object of souda?
According to the Kostak rate, Application souda subject is the amount determined when an investor obtains a company’s allotment in an IPO application. Subject to Souda, if he buys and sells the IPO application, it means that he can get the above amount if he can get the quota, otherwise Souda will be cancelled. You can’t fix the profit with this, as it depends on the allocation. If he gets the quota again and sells the application for around ₹10,000 and the profit on the listing day is higher around ₹15,000, he will have to pay ₹5,000 to the person who bought the application.
How to calculate the gray market premium
The IPO GMP aka Gray Market Premium is the price traded on the gray market prior to the IPO listing process. Calculations are based on company performance, gray market demand, and subscription probabilities. X If the IPO price is fixed at ₹200 and the gray market shows a rate of ₹100, we assume that means the IPO could be listed at ₹300 (e.g. ₹200 + ₹100 ). Still, while this is an assumption, the actual listing may differ from the gray market price.
Are gray market stocks safe?
It is recommended that it depends on the broker or trader and is not safe. Care should be taken as there may be fluctuations on the higher we suggest Please refer to the IPO GMP for listing interest purposes.Be smart and trade on the primary market only after listing.
How can I buy and sell IPO applications on the gray market?
There are no official persons or companies associated with the gray market. Some brokers buy and sell IPO applications based on Kostak Rates or Sauda Rates based on IPO GMP. You need to stay between buyers and sellers and find a local broker to do gray market trading for your IPO application.