Nothllng: A icon in the making

August 30, 2024
2 Mins Read
Nothllng: A icon in the making

Nothllng is a versatile artist who makes eye catching records and also visual arts. The impressive thing that stands out about Nothllng is that he creates a whole world that doesn’t just includes a song. He tells us “Music and visuals that captures the emotions of a moment or feeling” he strives to create music and lyrics that many relate to or can paint a picture for listeners. Nothllng expresses that when he makes graphics and cover art it gives you a small peek into the alternate universe a world that this music originates from.


Independent Success

In just 6 months Nothllng run of consistent music releases he was able to attract the right eyes and received a opportunity to begin a marketing and distribution deal with Village records and Empire. Vapers talkin’ shit received over 4500 Spotify streams in just 4 days.


Challenges and Wisdom

Nothllng biggest challenge was having access to the right beats to release on all platforms. He tells us ” I had little to no money available for production and marketing when I first started” But as Nothllng continued to drop music on non profit platforms he attracted like minded producers. “I was able to build a team of genius producers who believe in my vision and love my sound” Nothllng most consistent collaborations lately have been with s3v3nthaven , Oxyn, Cloak, Wyzedom, and Adot.


Looking ahead

Nothllng see the music getting bigger then himself and that it will influence more people than he can imagine. “My dreams  and aspiration is to make more people comfortable and happy with their individuality and to inspire any and all creators to create as much as possible.

Connect with Nothllng

You can follow Nothllng journey and get updates on his latest music releases by following on Instagram:

With a different sound he’s entering the industry with dedication to his craft 100% commitment to success Nothllng is the next big iconic super star as he stated to us “The world you can only hear through music and see on the internet”

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