“I grew up in a suburb of Boston, then attended college in North Carolina and soon moved to Los Angeles,” explains Darling. “I wrote songs all through middle school and high school, but I never turned professional. And I hang out there, but I don’t have a professional connection there. I’m from the West Coast now.”
Now, as a self-professed ‘West Coast’ person, it’s no surprise that the first song to commemorate her artistic career, in collaboration with OKO, will be named after the city she moved to, LA. “I still love that song,” recalls Darling. “Pop combined with her EDM are still her two main genres in which I write, whether in her own projects or collaborations. After that [L.A.] After it came out, I started doing more sessions and realized that the more I did, the better I practiced. My writing improved and became a skill that I had to learn and improve. ”