super parka duo from Paris, Paco and Simonreleased their latest single ”The”. truck It will serve as part of the upcoming 9-track LP, creating excitement and anticipation among fans. The French dupe has quickly emerged as one of the most exciting names in the world of lo-fi, psychedelic electronic music.near impressive sound flying lotus Track ‘AZ’ is for the cool, hazy nights of summer.
Directed by a talented French filmmaker Pablo Padovanialso known as mood idmusic video of ”The” It takes viewers on a mesmerizing and surreal journey through the vast landscape of the Sahara Desert. Paco and Simon roam the vast dunes, encountering mysterious ancient creatures and even goats that transform into her CD. The video is an abstract representation of the creative process behind the long-awaited album. The combination of vast, breathtaking landscapes and visuals of the outside world blend seamlessly with the dreamlike atmosphere of this single.
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