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Photo by Eduardo Pineda

as seen in <\/b>Guitar Girl Magazine Special Issue 2022 \u2013 I Belong<\/b><\/p>\n

\u201cI will be a leader with female guitarists, pushing boundaries and changing the way people see female musicians.\u201d <\/span>Jimena Excavation<\/b>,<\/span> Guitarist from Mexico City.From the lead guitar of the hit musical <\/span>jesus christ superstar<\/span><\/i> Until she receives the Synyster Gates Scholarship (Avenged Sevenfold), Jimena knows no boundaries and pushes for what she wants. She has made her mark in Los Angeles, sharing the stage and running with industry heavyweights such as Steve Vai, Paul Reed Smith, Pink Floyd’s Scott Page, Earth, Wind & Fire’s Mike Biel, and more. started. She mixes elements of rock, metal, fusion and EDM to create her own unique sound. <\/span>guitar girl magazine <\/span><\/i>It was an honor to interview Jimena about her music, her passion, her gear, her endorsements, her previous experience in the music industry, and what career goals she currently articulates for her career. bottom. <\/span><\/p>\n

Tell us a little bit about yourself. What made you fall in love with the guitar?<\/b>
<\/span>My father influenced me a lot when I was young. We were listening to music on our way to school. He listened to classic rock, and the distorted guitar sound really bothered me, so I told him he wanted to do it someday. It took him about six years to get his first guitar, but when he finally got it, I didn’t lose sight of my dream. <\/span><\/p>\n

Who are the artists who have influenced you?<\/b>
<\/span>A lot of people inspire me! To this day, I am still inspired by the new talent I see on social media every day. The way you can connect with anyone in the world is crazy. My first inspirations were Eric Johnson, Guthrie Govan, Steve Ray Vaughan, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Eddie Van Halen. Currently, I love pop, EDM, lo-fi and blues. I like it all and it’s good that you have all the different elements in your performance.<\/span><\/p>\n

How would you describe your sound? <\/b>
<\/b>As an artist, finding your own sound can be difficult. I think rock is a combination of blues and pop elements. I’ve recorded some songs that blend pop and electronic vibes with ambient rock sounds, but I enjoy making things with different sounds that I’m inspired by. <\/span><\/p>\n

Let’s talk gear. What amps, guitars, pedals and pickups are in your current setup? <\/b>
<\/b>It is supported by PRS Guitars and is a large part of our current setup. Six guitars! I enjoy the variety and quality of their instruments. We are honored to be part of the PRS family.<\/span><\/p>\n

As for pickups, I mostly play EMGs. He started playing them on his first PRS Torero when he was 16. I came to own them because I remember seeing so many of my favorite bands using them. <\/span><\/p>\n

I have tried many pedals and amps. I love having presets for different tours and gigs, and the Line 6 Helix Stomp XL pedalboard gives me the opportunity to create my own sounds. I am replacing it with a Quilter Amps Superblock UK. I like the organic sound you get when paired with the EVH cab.<\/span><\/p>\n

Photo by Eduardo Pineda<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

You are endorsed by PRS Guitars, 64 Audio, EMG Pickups, Elixir Strings, and MONO Cases. What is your favorite product from those companies?<\/b>
<\/b>My main guitar is the PRS Custom 35th Anniversary Private Stock, the most special guitar I own. I can get a variety of sounds from that guitar and it’s comfortable and fun to play. I sometimes bring a PRS standard model for backup. Paired with my EMG 89X and 89XR pickups it has a split coil for a high gain output. <\/span><\/p>\n

For strings, I like the Elixir Optiweb 10-46 or 10-52. I like how long they last and how the sound is always bright and warm. Weather changes can be dramatic while on tour, but these strings can withstand everything from cold to sweat.<\/span><\/p>\n

MONO cases are my favorite because they meet the needs of musicians while still delivering quality and great design. I own a Vertigo Ultra. It’s water resistant and the best part is you can add wheels to carry and roll around airports for efficient travel. <\/span><\/p>\n

In-ear uses 64-Audio with 6 drivers. I love the sustain of the tone and the clarity of every frequency. I like to use them for all my shows.<\/span><\/p>\n

What was your experience like attending the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, California? <\/b>
<\/b>It has been a wonderful journey that has allowed me to grow my musicianship. I used this opportunity to learn as much as I could from all the teachers. I used my free time to go to open counseling and clinics with guest artists. As an international student, I wanted to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities the school offers. Meeting so many talented people has been part of my growth. I am lucky to call some of them my best friends and colleagues! <\/span><\/p>\n

Why is music education important to you? What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who want to join the Musicians Institute? <\/b>
<\/b>I think it provides a great foundation for recording, producing, composing, and even developing an artist as a brand. It helped me prepare for the real world as a touring musician and launch my own projects. I encourage you to keep an open mind and be passionate about learning from music and the people around you. Resources are provided so give it a try.<\/span><\/p>\n

Steve Vai, Paul Reed Smith, Philip Bynoe, <\/b>Mike Biel (Earth, Wind & Fire), Scott Page, <\/b>etc. What were those experiences like and what did you learn from working with them? <\/b>
<\/b>It was a unique yet nerve-wracking experience. I couldn’t believe I was on the same stage as them. I realized that I was given a great opportunity. You have to learn to do your best in the moment. I enjoyed sharing space, time and passion with big guitar icons. It taught me how to be present on stage, helped me overcome my fears, and learned to utilize everything I had been practicing. I will never forget this. <\/span><\/p>\n

Let’s talk about your song “Color Clouds”. What was the inspiration behind the song? What is the creative songwriting process like? <\/b>
<\/b>It all started with a random improvisation I was doing one day. I was recording it and somehow decided to pick some parts and later turn them into a minute long song. It took me several months to get the results I was hoping for. Electronic elements and funk are hidden in the background. I like to put a lot of layers on my guitar and solo it. I imagined many colors while listening. Then I came up with the title.<\/span><\/p>\n

What is the inspiration behind your song “Chasing the Moment”? <\/b>
<\/b>It started as a class project. Interestingly, I changed the content to make it a complete single. It was the first song I ever released. I like heavy music, so this was the first time I showed my guitar playing. I was trying to understand my musical identity and composition process. I was chasing the dream I drew at that time. It was combined with the ups and downs of my musical journey.The title was born from such a concept.<\/span><\/p>\n

What was it like playing lead guitar in a seven-time award-winning rock opera musical? <\/b>jesus christ superstar<\/i><\/b>“?<\/b>
<\/span>It was the best experience! To be honest, I wasn’t into musicals. I wasn’t sure if I should accept it, but after listening to the first track, I was immediately hooked. All the time signatures, polyrhythms, and key changes in the music were all I had to prepare for. It played a key role in the outcome. Gave me a once in a lifetime opportunity. I played in sold out arenas, coliseums and big stages for the first time. He taught me that dreams and hard work pay off.<\/span><\/p>\n

What goals and career achievements would you like to achieve in the near future? <\/b>
<\/b>I want to keep playing for big crowds. I want to reach 100,000 in gigs. I want to develop my brand and artist name. I want to make songs that artists like. <\/span><\/p>\n