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Dana Fuchs<\/strong> A force to be reckoned with in every aspect of her life. As a singer, she seamlessly blends blues and rock, pairing them expertly with her soulful guitar playing. Besides that, she is able to integrate other aspects of her own life into her music career. In 2019, Dana recorded her children’s album, mind the music<\/em><\/strong>which recalls her experience of Buddhist meditation.<\/p>\n

On her latest project, a blues-rock album borrowed time, <\/em>Fuchs brought another big facet of her life to her music. It’s her children. borrowed time <\/em>It was recorded with Dana’s kids in the studio and even got to go on tour with her last year. borrowed time<\/em>discussion mind the music<\/em>and look back on his career.<\/p>\n

your latest album borrowed time<\/em>,That’s excellent. This is your first album since the 2019 children’s album. mind the music<\/em>After writing a children’s album, what was it like going back to your usual genre? <\/strong> <\/strong><\/p>\n

thank you! As a Buddhist meditation practitioner and teacher for over 15 years, mind the music<\/em> A specific project that began as a collaboration with my friend and longtime Buddhist meditation practitioner Mark Harman and my husband Kevin McCall to teach children the basics of mindfulness and meditation practices through music and movement. brought.<\/p>\n

We wrote and recorded albums, held weekly classes until the pandemic hit, and performed at schools, museums, birthday parties, and private events. It was a cathartic experience that really cemented my intention to pursue a master’s degree in early childhood development and musical theater.<\/p>\n

borrowed time<\/em> It was an entirely different creative pursuit and songwriting adventure with my musical partner John Diamond.<\/p>\n

Your sons were in the studio with you while you recorded this album – it must have been a unique experience! What was it like? <\/strong><\/p>\n

It was great. The album was recorded in 11 days at Black River House in Crosswell, Michigan, owned by Kenny Tadrick and his wife Drea. They created such a homely atmosphere and welcomed us with such warmth and dignity that we tracked down in the basement, the kids listened to the playback and danced with us, Kev and Drea made a meal for us. 24 hours a day. We also traveled with an incredible friend, Cam Harris. Cam Harris is a wonderful artist who helped take care of the children during his work.<\/p>\n

Who else have you worked with? <\/strong><\/p>\n

Produced by Bobby Harlow and Kenny Tadrick, Kenny also plays great guitar. Jack Daley was the bass player, and we did four or five albums together. He is my go-to man. He is a prince among men and a natural force of bass in the studio and on stage. Todd Glass on drums. He’s such a sweetheart, the Stones’ backbeat and he rocks so hard in Detroit tradition with AC\/DC 4 on-the-floor propulsion. Jordan Champion played great keys on some tracks and John Diamond was on guitar, harmonica and backing his vocals. Kevin McCall also co-wrote 3 songs with me!<\/p>\n


Please tell us about the inspiration for the album.how did you decide borrowed time<\/em> for the title? <\/strong><\/p>\n

The inspiration evolved musically from the root demo that John and I created into a full Southern rock record. This was one of the first things Bobby suggested to him as a producer, and it’s what made me fall in love with working with him. We clicked because I grew up on a steady diet of Lynyrd Skynyrd in Florida.<\/p>\n

borrowed time<\/em> Because it makes sense as a title (and a sort of anthemic approach to the song itself). Because we don’t know exactly how long we have to live. Handle specific situations. For example, an argument with a loved one that may die before making up! Lyrically, the album is also a departure from only reflecting my own life and world, and truly opens my heart to telling stories from around the world that represent the suffering of humanity and the struggle for existence of the human condition. rice field.<\/p>\n

If your audience can only take one thing away, borrowed time<\/em>what do you want it to be?<\/strong><\/p>\n

from the album? I hope you get a glimpse into the journey I took lyrically, feel the heart and soul of the song and the suffering of the characters, and then crank it up and let go and get goosebumps and fall in love with the music. think. Blissful time.<\/p>\n

What are the top 3 tracks on this album?<\/strong><\/p>\n

This is always dynamic. Having played the songs on tour and live last year, I now feel “Curtain Close,” “Nothing You Own,” and “Not Another Second On You.”<\/p>\n

What about the three greatest songs of all time?<\/strong><\/p>\n

The usual favorites are of the same kind. I was thinking about “Misery”.” <\/em>Yesterday we probably played the studio version of it, then ‘Faithful Sinner’ and maybe ‘Sittin’ On’. It’s been a lot of fun to play that song lately, and before I play it, I rap and tell a little bit about Buddhism.<\/p>\n

How have you changed as an artist since your last blues album? love lives on<\/em>? <\/strong><\/p>\n

I am constantly evolving as a person, mother, wife, artist, songwriter, student, teacher, and meditation practitioner. It’s the same river every moment, right?<\/p>\n

How do you stay the same? <\/strong><\/p>\n

It’s impossible to stay that way, but rather it’s the compass and heart that steers my life like a rudder. That sameness is very personal and internal to me. Maybe you’re trying to consistently practice the values \u200b\u200bof what you want to say, what you want to do, and what you don’t want to do without worrying about caring for all living things.<\/p>\n


You recently returned from a Borrowed Time tour in Norway and Denmark where your children accompanied you. How do you juggle your family and your career as a musician? <\/strong><\/p>\n

Family is everything and I don’t want to go on long tours without them. It’s great to be able to experience that. Kev also plays bass on this tour, musically completing his family unit on the tour.<\/p>\n

Are there any unexpected challenges? <\/strong><\/p>\n

There are always unexpected challenges on and off the road and that’s what we train for! smile. My eldest is very good and enjoys the tour with me, but my youngest is a little more enthusiastic. Haha!<\/p>\n

Describe your sound in 3 words or less. Bruce is not one of them. <\/strong><\/p>\n

share a lived experience.<\/p>\n

what guitar are you playing now? <\/strong><\/p>\n

My main touring guitar is Kev’s Gibson J160E with Fishman piezo pickups installed over the original P90 pickups. It’s set up with Dean Markley’s Phosphor Bronze 11’s and plays great.<\/p>\n

Do you have a “go-to” guitar that’s perfect for songwriting?<\/strong><\/p>\n

I have a beautiful Gibson Dove in my studio that I love, but I mostly rely on Jon Diamond for the writing process.<\/p>\n

What does it mean to you to be an ambassador for the Jed Foundation today, when mental health is a big issue? <\/strong><\/p>\n

I am deeply moved and inspired by the work of JED. Remember this is a great resource for all of us at jedfoundation.org. Becoming a JED Ambassador means using megaphones and platforms to spark conversations by sharing my stories and the stories of others I represent, with a mission to reduce shame and judgment. means to promise to bind to For everyone in that space.<\/p>\n

Finally, is there anything you would like to say to aspiring female musicians?<\/strong><\/p>\n

Live your truth, fail miserably and rise from it with strength and grace. Don’t worry about being cool. That’s why I can’t find my voice. Finding your voice and staying true to it is your only chance to make a genuine connection with someone in this world. That is your most valuable asset as an artist.<\/p>\n

\"albumborrowed time <\/em>track list<\/p>\n

  1. double down if wrong<\/li>\n
  2. blue mist road<\/li>\n
  3. call my name<\/li>\n
  4. save me<\/li>\n
  5. curtain close<\/li>\n
  6. hard load<\/li>\n
  7. borrowed time<\/li>\n
  8. you own nothing<\/li>\n
  9. Not Another Second On You<\/li>\n
  10. lonely lie<\/li>\n
  11. last to know<\/li>\n
  12. Star<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    Photo courtesy of PR<\/p>\n