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Festival season is in full swing this weekend, packed with events offering music and other live entertainment, cuisine to satisfy every palate, artisans and craftsmen.<\/p>\n

ComFest, the annual ‘party with a purpose’, takes place all weekend at Goodale Park, and Friday and Saturday’s Powell Festival sees Smash Mouth perform alongside other live acts like an ‘all-star’. I can feel Also celebrating 104.9 The River’s 50th anniversary on Saturday, Riverfest at Nationwide Arena will feature an evening of music by contemporary Christian artists, followed by a patio party and magic show.<\/p>\n

Other highlights include a silent disco at the Saito Mile on Saturday and a concert by Capriccio Columbus at the Lincoln Theater on Sunday. There, the upcoming program of the upcoming Central Europe tour will be shared.<\/p>\n

These are just a few of the options to make your weekend feel festive. Sign up for the Life in the 614 newsletter to receive these ideas in your inbox every week.<\/p>\n


Actor’s theater that presents the less common ‘sense’<\/h2>\n

Columbus’ Actors Theater will extend Jane Austen’s hit Sense and Sensibility from Thursday through July 16 at Schiller Park Amphitheater at 1000 City Park Avenue in German Village. An actress and writer full of humor and heart. Kate Hamill’s adaptation focuses on the Dashwood sisters, sensible Eleanor and sensitive Marianne, as they grow up and experience love, romance, and heartbreak. Performances are Thursday through Sunday at 8pm. All shows are free. We accept donations during breaks. Bring your own chairs and blankets or donate online in advance so loungers, blankets and chairs are ready and waiting for you when you arrive. A lounger is $20 for him. For $25, guests can get her two-seater blanket (and keep it) or cup her holder and zero-gravity chair with headrest at Columbus’ Actors Theater. (the actors theater.org) <\/p>\n


Longford Women Bringing Traditional Songs to Grove City<\/h2>\n

Grove City comes alive with the Ladies of Longford’s Summer Sizzle concert of traditional Irish and contemporary Celtic music at Town Center Park, 3359 Park Street, on Fridays from 7-8:30 pm. Besides Irish songs, the ladies are also working hard on other genres. Country, Classic Rock, Americana and more. A regular at the Dublin Irish Festival, the Central Ohio group has also performed at festivals in Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky and New York, among others, featuring Chloe Agnew (Celtic Woman) and Eileen Ivers (Immigrant Soul). , Cherish the Ladies, Aoife Clancy. Please bring a chair or blanket to the concert. Free. (Grove City Ohio.gov) <\/p>\n


A Wex documentary about an elusive artist<\/h2>\n

Charismatic and enigmatic artist David Hammons will present Friday at 7 p.m. It has occasionally been the subject of documentaries shown in film\/video theaters. At the Wexner Center for the Arts (1871 N. High St). Told through archive footage, animation, and interviews with artists, curators and academics, The Melt Goes on Forever: The Art and Times of David Hammons is a striking portrait of: The 79-year-old artist often sells his work directly from his studio and is rarely available for his shows or interviews. Hammons’ work has been exhibited in major museums around the world, as well as Wex’s Blues for Smoke (2013), Hard Targets (2010), and Work Ethic (2004). , Will\/Power (1992). Screening tickets are $9 for the general public, $7 for members and adults over 55, and $5 for students. (wexarts.org\/film video) <\/p>\n


ComFest brings entertainment and action together<\/h2>\n

ComFest returns to Goodale Park at 120 W. Goodale St. for three days of live entertainment, art, speakers, and workshops on progressive issues, social change, and community action. Street fair with booths from over 200 vendors and community organizations. Over 20 food vendors and his 12 food trailers\u2014that’s just the beginning. The fest, now in its 51st year, runs from noon to 11pm on Friday, 10am to 10pm on Saturday and 10am to 8pm on Sunday. Daily live broadcasts from ComFest’s Bozo Stage will be featured on YouTube. Admission is free. Alcohol is prohibited. Program guides and event schedules are available on the website. (comfest.com)<\/p>\n


Splitting bills at Powell Festival<\/h2>\n

Known for chart-topping songs such as “All Star,” “Walking on the Sun,” “Can’t Get Enough of You Baby,” and “I’m a Believer,” Smash Mouth is back with this release. One of two headliners. The weekend Powell Festival is held at Village Green Park at 47 Hall Street in Powell. Held from 5pm to 11pm on Friday and 10am to 11pm on Saturday, this free, family-friendly event offers shopping, dining, designated outdoor refreshment areas (DORA), and more. Friday headliner Sister Hazel, best known for her 1997 single “All For You,” will take the stage at 8:30 p.m., while Smash Mouth will play Saturday at 8 p.m. Other performers include Columbus-based party-dance band Reaganomics, 80s party dance band Reaganomics, on Friday at 5:30 p.m. will appear. There is a kids zone that requires wristbands and is $15 per child on Fridays and $20 per child on Saturdays. The rain or shine festival ends with fireworks at 10pm on Saturday. If the fireworks are canceled due to rain, it will be rescheduled for Sunday around 10pm. See event website for festival rules, schedule and parking\/shuttle information. (festival.cityofpowell.us)<\/p>\n


Silence is gold at the Saito Mile disco party<\/h2>\n

Instead of dancing like no one is watching, why not dance like no one is listening – except you. Held on Saturdays from 4pm to 8pm at his Coleman’s Pointe on S. Civic Center Drive 67, a silent disco will give you the chance to move your feet to your own beat. This one-of-a-kind party experience will feature food vendors and music by DJ Beezz, and guests who want to booze will be given wireless headphones for their personal music enjoyment. Moreover, participation is free. All you need to bring is your best dance moves. The Silent Disco is one of his many summer fun events on Sait he Mile hosted by the Columbus Downtown Development Authority. (downtowncolumbus.com\/sciotomile) <\/p>\n


A fest celebrating the anniversary of faith and radio stations<\/h2>\n

Broadcasting from Gahanna, Riverfest, a Christian music concert festival celebrating the 50th anniversary of 104.9 The River, will feature songs, Offer a day of faith, worship and community. Doors open at 3:30 PM. A lineup of Christian contemporary artists performing some of their most popular songs and new releases, including Phil Wickham, Brandon Lake, Andrew Lipp, Cochrane & Company, Apollo LTD, Rachel His Lampa. The performance will be preceded by a free party on the patio from 12:30-3:30 PM and an outdoor magic show at 1:30-2:30 PM. Ticket prices for concert festivals start at $25.50. (National Arena.com) <\/p>\n


Capriccio Columbus previews tour program<\/h2>\n

Columbus Capriccio will say “Bon Voyage” before embarking on a tour of Austria, Croatia and Slovenia, and will perform a concert of the tour’s repertoire on Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Lincoln Theater, 769 East Long Street. The choir is scheduled to perform overseas in June. From 27th to 7th July, Mozart’s ‘Coronation Mass’ and Undine Moore’s ‘We shall walk through the\u30fbBallet\u201d and other pieces accompanied by a professional chamber orchestra and percussionists. . They will be joined by guest directors Dr. Linda R. Hasselaar of Capital University and Dr. David W. Greenlee of Eastern Kentucky University to direct three films of their choosing. The Capriccio Jubilee Singers will reprise R. Nathaniel Det’s “The Chariot Jubilee” with soloist Caroline Lee Goulston. Tickets are $22 for adults and $7 for 17 and under. (Capriccico Columbus.org) <\/p>\n


Ohio Guitar Show for Enthusiasts<\/h2>\n

Some call it an “axe”, others call it a “six string”. Many people like to use that name, but they have one thing in common. That’s my love for the guitar. The Ohio Guitar Show offers a variety of brands, models, colors and prices, as well as amps, effects, parts and more for those who identify with this versatile instrument. The largest event of its kind in the Midwest, featuring over 100 dealers, the show takes place Sundays from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the McCoy Center, 5462 N. Center St., Hilliard. will be Founded more than 30 years ago by then-Hocking University professors Mark Newman and Mark Weiner, the event is held twice a year and attracts guitar enthusiasts from cities such as Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Louisville, Detroit and Pittsburgh. houses come together. Admission is $10 (cash only) and parking is free. (Ohio Guitar Show.com) <\/p>\n


‘The Lorax’ Screens at The Nas<\/h2>\n

Grab a lawn chair and blankets, or relax in your car for a free outdoor screening of The Lorax behind Nas Church at 4770 Hoover Road, Grove City on Wednesdays at 8pm. Based on Dr. Seuss’ classic environmental allegory, this animated film follows 12-year-old Ted to win the heart of the girl of his dreams by obtaining the object she most desires: the truffle tree. I am chasing an adventure. Movie-themed interactive activities take place 30 minutes before showtime. You can purchase snacks from The Naz Cafe or bring your own snacks and drinks (no glasses allowed). This is a non-smoking and alcohol-free event. Pets are not allowed, but service dogs are allowed. Films may be canceled due to bad weather. Check cancellation information at facebook.com\/GroveCityOhio or call 614-277-3060 on the day of the event. (Grove City Ohio.gov) <\/p>\n