Yashakar: A Luminary in the Hip-Hop Cosmos

July 7, 2023
3 Mins Read

Born on December 17, 1994, Yashakar hails from the glitzy entertainment hub of Las Vegas, Nevada. With a decade-long career recording and half that time spent producing, his distinctive signature sound emerges from a deep well of personal experience, faith, and the goal of reaching out to the spiritually lost.

Yashakar’s music is an immersive journey through the realms of hip-hop and R&B, with occasional diversions into the groovy lanes of funk. His soundscape is audaciously versatile and never stays tethered to a single genre. Yet, what truly sets him apart in the bustling music scene is his dedication to crafting songs based on real-life experiences and promoting positive messages.

Yashakar takes a stand against the flood of what he perceives as immoral messages prevalent in the secular music scene, favoring instead to deliver content that resonates at a higher frequency. His aim is not to compete with others but to raise his own bar of excellence, ensuring his music serves as a beacon for those in search of a spiritual path.

Driven by a deeply personal connection with the divine, Yashakar sees his music as a channel to help listeners find the Most High God, AHAYAH ASHER AHAYAH (I AM that I Am). For this spiritually-centered artist, success isn’t measured by fame or fortune but by the positive impact his music has on people’s lives.

Recently, Yashakar remixed Andre 3000’s iconic “Sorry Miss Jackson,” transforming it into a personal favorite, “Sorry AHAYAH.” Released on December 23, 2022, this track showcases Yashakar’s creativity in repurposing classic tunes and infusing them with fresh vibrancy. One standout line that reverberates through the song’s essence is, “I’m looking at my lawn; there’s fake grass and real snakes.”

The creation of “Sorry AHAYAH” was a spontaneous moment in the studio, and the finished product carries the energy and excitement of that initial inspiration. The song means a great deal to Yashakar, not only because he managed to put his own spin on an already excellent track but also for the satisfaction of doing it justice.

For upcoming artists, Yashakar’s advice is insightful: be mindful of the words you speak, for they will not only affect others but also shape your own path.

In terms of collaborations, Yashakar prefers to keep his music centered on his spiritual mission, choosing to work with like-minded artists such as Shadayawar, Monk tha Pilgrim, and Righteousbarz, rather than mainstream secular artists.

In the future, Yashakar envisions himself continuing on this path, using his music to guide others towards the Most High. His approach to the recording process reflects this: in his own studio, he lays down written songs and produces his own instrumentals, while at his engineer’s studio, he freestyles, allowing for a more spontaneous and authentic creation process.

In a music scene that can often feel superficial, Yashakar’s grounded vision and dedication to spiritual enrichment make him an artist to watch. His journey is not one of fame and fortune, but one of faith, love, and service, delivering music that not only delights the ears but also enlightens the soul.

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